Friday, August 9, 2013

My Very First Blog!

   Today I write my very first blog!  I woke up so many times in the middle of the night thinking of God's mercy which flows through me each day like a river.  As the raindrops fell softly against the skylights of my daughters house, I felt strength being poured from the Heavens.  I am weak and fearful, but God makes me stronger than what I think I am. 
     Being in Buffalo for  a few weeks, I have rested in the arms of my Heavenly Father, and have found some much needed peace.  Prayers have been answered in ways I never thought possible.  For nearly two years, people have asked, "Do you have a website?", and I have answered "No, not yet, I have no idea how to do that kind of stuff."  But everyday, I have prayed the same prayer over and over again,    "DEAR JESUS, LEAD ME TO THE PEOPLE WHO NEED ME, AND LEAD PEOPLE TO ME WHOM I NEED, GIVING ME STRENGTH, COURAGE , WISDOM  GUIDANCE AND KNOWLEDGE TO WALK THE JOURNEY YOU HAVE SET AHEAD FOR ME, IN YOUR PRECIOUS NAME I PRAY, AMEN."
     Perseverance is what God asks of us, and at times I thought He was probably tired of me whining because of my persistance in begging  Him for help in things I had no idea how to do.  Coming to Buffalo was a welcome rest away from all the stress.  Little did I know He had plans of His own.  He sent an awesome incredible young man named "Jimmy", and a beautiful young lady who looks like a #10 barbie doll, whose name is "Sandra", and after prayers and prayers and prayers, "Jimmy" excitedly started putting together a website for us at the beginning of this week, and had an incredible amount done, at my total amazement, and then yesterday God put him and Sandra together, and you would have thought they had worked together for years.  Our ministry finally has a website, all in God's incredible timing, of course, and my husband was even here in time to see it in the process of being developed.  There is no words that are big enough to thank Jimmy and Sandra for what they have accomplished for Never Let Go, but I know the prayers of thanksgiving and gratitude that I have in my heart will reach the Heavens, and that God will bless them abundantly for their love, time and unselfishness towards all they have done for us. I am still in awe of what this "vacation" has done.  I never expected anything like this, but I chuckle in my heart when I think of what God had planned all along.  He is so good, all the time!  Jimmysicle and Barbie, I love you both so much! To my daugher and her husband here in NY, thank you for all you do for us---you are a true blessing, and my heart is full of love for all of you, including my two handsome grandsons!
     Yesterday, God blessed me with the opportunity of meeting a beautiful mother who has lost two sons to drugs.  I cannot even grasp the pain in her heart, but God's Love and Compassion is shining from her eyes, and I truly believe God has given her peace in a way that no one would ever be able to understand, including myself.   She depends on Him for her every bit of strength, and meeting her has reminded me of why I became a "mother on a mission".  May God continue to bless her with every bit of healing she needs to overcome the sorrow in her heart.
     My first "blog" needs to close, as I will spend time with my husband and family today before we head to Ohio tomorrow. 
     For all of you reading this, I pray that you spread your wings, and fly with God's love and peace riding on your wings.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Mission Statement

Never Let Go Ministries - Mission Statement

We will strive to create drug-free communities by educating and bringing awareness, especially to our youth, of the deadly effects of alcohol and drug use, while also supporting family members and those in recovery.