Monday, September 9, 2013

Finding Serenity

Lake Ontario At Sunset Dear Friends,
     Today is one of those days when I wish I were sitting here on this beach and soaking in all of the serenity that this scene holds.  I can just feel the ocean air coming into my being and the calmness that it can bring.  Watching the sun casting a beautiful shadow of its beauty on the water gives me a sense of God's power.  Looking at the picture gives me the feeling that nothing is too big for God to handle, and if He can create something of this magnitude, He can certainly take the fear away from me. He can without a doubt  bring to me a sense of serenity that so often I cannot find at times when I need it.  God is there at the end of that ocean, He is with us as we walk this journey of life that feels so uncertain at times.  He can help bring us peace.......we just have to allow ourselves to be able to breath in deep enough to capture it.  May His peace flow into your being today!

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